Matteo Acclavio and Lutz Straßburger | Combinatorial Proofs for Constructive Modal Logic |
Ruba Alassaf, Renate A. Schmidt and Uli Sattler | Saturation-Based Uniform Interpolation for Multi-Agent Modal Logics |
Philippe Balbiani and Saul Fernandez Gonzalez | Parametrized modal logic: an introduction |
Philippe Balbiani and Quentin Gougeon | Projective unification through duality |
Johan van Benthem, Balder ten Cate and Raoul Koudijs | Local Dependence and Guarding |
Alfredo Burrieza, Inmaculada Perez de Guzmán and Antonio Yuste-Ginel | A multi-modal logic for Galois connections |
Ahmee Christensen | Completeness for an Intuitionistic Modal Logic of Vagueness |
Agata Ciabattoni, Lutz Straßburger and Matteo Tesi | Taming Bounded Depth with Nested Sequents |
Ivano Ciardelli | Describing neighborhoods in inquisitive modal logic |
Petr Cintula, George Metcalfe and Naomi Tokuda | Algebraic Semantics for One-Variable Lattice-Valued Logics |
Willem Conradie and Mattia Panettiere | Modal inverse correspondence via ALBA |
Tiziano Dalmonte | Wijesekera-style constructive modal logics |
Tiziano Dalmonte and Marianna Girlando | Comparative plausibility in neighbourhood models: axiom systems and sequent calculi |
Anupam Das and Sonia Marin | Modal logic and the polynomial hierarchy: from QBFs to K and back |
Hans van Ditmarsch, Krisztina Fruzsa and Roman Kuznets | A New Hope |
Andrea De Domenico and Giuseppe Greco | Algorithmic correspondence and analytic rules |
Nicolas Fröhlich and Arne Meier | Sub-Model Enumeration of Kripke Structures in Modal Logic |
Daniel Gaina, Guillermo Badia and Tomasz Kowalski | Robinson consistency in many-sorted hybrid first-order logics |
Rajeev Goré and Ian Shillito | Direct elimination of additive-cuts in GL4ip: verified and extracted. |
Gianluca Grilletti | Medvedev logic is the logic of finite distributive lattices without top element |
Jim de Groot | Goldblatt-Thomason Theorems for Modal Intuitionistic Logics |
Robin Hirsch and Brett McLean | EXPTIME-hardness of higher-dimensional Minkowski spacetime |
Wesley Holliday | Compatibility and accessibility: lattice representations for semantics of non-classical and modal logics |
Damian Kurpiewski, Wojtek Jamroga, Łukasz Maśko, Łukasz Mikulski, Witold Pazderski, Wojciech Penczek and Teofil Sidoruk | Verification of Multi-Agent Properties in Electronic Voting: A Case Study |
Guillaume Massas | Choice-Free de Vries Duality |
Satoru Niki | Intuitionistic Modality and Beth Semantics |
Hiroakira Ono and Katsuhiko Sano | Analytic Cut and Mints’ Symmetric Interpolation Method for Bi-intuitionistic Tense Logic |
Eugenio Orlandelli and Matteo Tesi | Labelled sequent calculi for logics of strict implication |
Mattia Panettiere and Apostolos Tzimoulis | Graded modal logic with a single modality |
Jan Rooduijn and Lukas Zenger | An analytic proof system for common knowledge logic over S5 |
Denis I. Saveliev and Ilya Shapirovsky | Medvedev’s logic and products of converse well orders |
Igor Sedlar and Pietro Vigiani | Relevant Reasoners in a Classical World |
Amirhossein Akbar Tabatabai | Provability Logics of Hierarchies |
Amirhossein Akbar Tabatabai, Rosalie Iemhoff and Raheleh Jalali | Uniform Lyndon interpolation for intuitionistic monotone modal logic |
Haoyu Wang, Yanjing Wang and Yunsong Wang | An Epistemic Interpretation of Tensor Disjunction |